Windows 7 XPまたはVista用のMicrosoft EFS暗号化を自動化する方法
- ログインしたユーザーの「マイドキュメント」フォルダー内のすべてのデータを暗号化します。
- ログインしたユーザーの「Outlook」フォルダー内のすべてのデータを暗号化します。これは、Outlook 2000およびOutlook 2003が.pstおよび.ostファイルを保存するデフォルトの場所です。
- 後で収集するために、スクリプトからのすべての出力をファイルにパイプします。ファイルは、ログインしているユーザーの「マイドキュメント」の下にあります。ファイルの名前は%computername%.efsです。
Windows XP
REM @echo off REM EFS MyDoc & Outlook EFS Encryption Script Version 1.1 REM REM REM Script Created by MrGroove ( REM REM This program is free software; not to be redistributed REM without permission of REM echo ***** >> "%userprofile%my documents%computername%.efs" REM EFS Encryption Script Version 1.1 REM ====================================================== REM First, let"s create a file to store all the work were doing and for history echo ****** >> "%userprofile%my documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%my documents%computername%.efs" REM ====================================================== echo %date% %time% >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" REM =================================================== REM Now were going to update all files to ensure no files are encrypted with old keys cipher /u >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" REM =================================================== REM Begin encryption of the "My Documents" folder cipher /a /e /h /i /q /s:"%userprofile%My Documents" >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" REM ====================================================== REM Begin encrption of the "Outlook" folder where the OST and PST files are stored cipher /a /e /h /i /q /s:"%userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook" >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" REM ================================================== REM More House Keeping echo %date% %time% >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%My documents%computername%.efs" REM ================================================== REM ================================================== REM All Done!
Windows 7
REM @echo off REM EFS MyDoc & Outlook EFS Encryption Script Version 1.1 REM REM REM Script Created by MrGroove ( REM REM This program is free software; not to be redistributed REM without permission of REM echo ***** >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM EFS Encryption Script Version 1.1 REM ====================================================== REM First, let"s create a file to store all the work were doing and for history echo ****** >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM ====================================================== echo %date% %time% >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM =================================================== REM Now were going to update all files to ensure no files are encrypted with old keys cipher /u >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM =================================================== REM Begin encryption of the "Documents" folder cipher /a /e /h /i /q /s:"%userprofile%Documents" >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM ====================================================== REM Begin encrption of the "Outlook" folder where the OST and PST files are stored cipher /a /e /h /i /q /s:"%userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook" >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM ================================================== REM More House Keeping echo %date% %time% >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" echo ****** >> "%userprofile%documents%computername%.efs" REM ================================================== REM ================================================== REM All Done!